Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Data protection is an important topic for us, and we process your data only in accordance with the legal regulations. In these terms of service, we describe how we handle data and which rights you possess in that process.

Acceptance of the Terms of Service

By accessing and using this application, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree with the Terms of Service, you should not access eCamp or use its content and features.


ecamp3, eCamp and “the application”

ecamp3 is open source software (see term below) that is intended to simplify the planning of Y+S camps, Y+S courses and other camps. The source code of the ecamp3 software is publicly available on GitHub at https://github.com/ecamp/ecamp3 and is subject to the “GNU Affero General Public License v3.0” license, see term below.

eCamp is the name of the public instance of ecamp3 which we operate, and is also called “the application” in the following text. The application can be accessed at the URL https://ecamp3.ch.


Users are natural persons like you, who want to use the planning features of eCamp and manage content on eCamp. If you want to use eCamp and enter content, you need a user account.

User account

A user account allows you to create and collaborate on camps. To create a user account you need a name, a valid email address and a password, or alternatively an account on a supported OAuth service (see term below). Your name and email address are visible to all other users who collaborate with you on camps.

Supported OAuth services

eCamp offers the possibility of simplified registration and login via the OAuth interfaces of various external services, including MiData of the Swiss Scouts and Guides Movement, cevi.db of YMCA Switzerland, jubla.db of Jungwacht Blauring (see terms below) and via a Google account. When registering or logging in via one of these services, your external account identity is stored in eCamp instead of a password, along with your name and email address.

User content

Users enter content on eCamp during camp planning. The user content includes the data created by your use of the application (program planning, material lists, safety concepts, …).

eCamp Core Team

The initiative for the software project ecamp3 and the application eCamp came from the eCamp Core Team, a team of volunteer developers. In exchange with camp leaders of the Swiss Scout Movement, among others, requirements were collected and the application eCamp was launched. The eCamp Core Team sees itself as part of an open community of youth associations and other user organizations. As application operator, the eCamp Core Team is responsible for the safe use and operation of the eCamp application.


The eCamp application is run on a managed Kubernetes cloud from the company DigitalOcean. The user contents and personal data are stored and processed on servers in Frankfurt, Germany. Details see https://www.digitalocean.com/blog/introducing-our-new-european-region-frankfurt.


When your browser accesses eCamp, the communication runs via servers from the US company Cloudflare. Among other things, these servers prevent large-scale hacker attacks against eCamp.


Outgoing emails from eCamp are sent via the US company SendGrid.


Incoming e-mails to @ecamp3.ch e-mail addresses are received via the ImprovMX service of the French company Reflectiv SAS and via the GMail service of Google.

hitobito / MiData / cevi.db / jubla.db

The membership management solutions of the Swiss Scouts and Guides Movement (MiData), YMCA Switzerland (cevi.db) and Jungwacht Blauring (jubla.db) are all based on the open source software hitobito and are operated by the Swiss company Puzzle ITC.


To prevent spam, Google’s reCAPTCHA service is used for certain operations, including user account registration and password resetting.


Any errors that occur in the application are automatically sent to the Sentry.io service provided by the US company Sentry. The eCamp Core Team can then view this information collected in one place and use it for troubleshooting.


We regularly store encrypted backups of the content on eCamp on Amazon’s AWS S3 service, in a data center in Paris.


We use the services of the US company Netlify for hosting our landing page https://ecamp3.ch and all of its subpages (except the actual application at https://app.ecamp3.ch). In order to improve the user experience of the landing page, we use the analytics tools of Netlify.

Open source software

Open source software refers to software whose source code is published under an open source license and can therefore be freely edited and distributed. Behind this is the open-source model: open source software can help people all over the world, and conversely, people all over the world can contribute to the improvement of open source software by working together on it.

There are various open source licenses with different characteristics and regulations on topics such as (commercial) reusability, operation, the right to edit and create derivative works, as well as obligations regarding the open source status and license of these derivative works.

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

The source code of ecamp3 is published and protected under a license called “GNU Affero General Public License v3.0”. This license defines the rights and obligations in the use of the software. However, this only applies to the source code: The user content on eCamp is not under this license.

Terms of Service

Ground rules

The application eCamp is a web application which should facilitate the cooperation in the planning of camps and courses. The content on this application comes from the users themselves. As a user you are obliged to behave conscientiously and in accordance with this goal.

All users are responsible for the correct use of the application and for the legality of the content.

Our Code of Conduct applies throughout the application.

The eCamp Core Team reserves the right to remove from the application any content that contradicts the Terms of Service or the Code of Conduct. However, this is done only with the intention of preserving the basic purpose of the eCamp application. The eCamp Core Team also reserves the right to temporarily suspend the activities of a user of the application by:

  • making the user content invisible,
  • deactivating the user’s account
  • issuing a warning.

This applies in particular and without limitation in the following cases:

  • if there is a violation of applicable law,
  • if there is a violation of these Terms of Service or
  • if the eCamp Core Team is of the opinion that the activity of the user is harmful to others or to the application or its operation.

User content

Required rights to content

By using this application, you confirm that you have the necessary (copyright) rights to all content which you enter on the application. In particular, you may not submit any content that infringes any registered trademarks or patents.

Intellectual property

By using this app, you agree to release all content you create or submit (minus the personal information in your profile) under a CC0 “No rights reserved” license. This allows anyone who collaborates with you in camps to freely reuse, copy, adapt and publish your content without citing a source. The reason for this is the common practice of reusing old camp program in new camps in an adapted form. This license does not release your content from any rights that others may have in your content, including but not limited to Persönlichkeitsrechte. You are therefore still responsible for ensuring that your content does not offend anyone and that the Code of Conduct is adhered to.

Correction or deletion procedure

Any person may request the correction or hiding of content that does not comply with these Terms of Service. The content in question can be reported via the contact form. The eCamp Core Team or its authorized content owners will process the request and reserve the right to conduct any necessary review or clarification prior to correcting or hiding any content.


The eCamp Core Team works, as far as the voluntary commitment allows, to keep the application regularly on a sufficiently up-to-date technical level to avoid security vulnerabilities. Due to the limited time of our volunteers and the large amount of content coming directly from the users, there is no guarantee that eCamp is 100% secure at any given time.

It is forbidden to store malware in any form on eCamp or to distribute it via eCamp. Users must also ensure that linked websites are not compromised, i.e. that no unauthorized intrusion into a computer system is possible, e.g. through malware.

If you identify users who do not comply with the Terms of Service or content that contradicts the Terms of Service, you are obliged to report this to the eCamp Core Team, for example via contact form.

Development and operation

The development as well as the operation of eCamp is based on voluntary work of the eCamp Core Team and the community. Therefore, the operation of the application runs under “best effort”. There are no guarantees for availability of the application or timely or desired implementation of bug fixes or changes.

The eCamp Core Team reserves the right to roll out new software updates to the application at any time. The application may therefore change without prior notice and existing functionality may be modified or removed. In this context, there may be brief interruptions during which eCamp is not available.

We ask you to report bugs and suggestions for improvement to the eCamp Core Team. This way the eCamp application can be improved continuously.

Free use of the application

The use of eCamp is offered free of charge by the eCamp Core Team, with the kind support of Swiss Guide and Scout Movement and Crowdin.

Liability disclaimer

All information provided and made available to the respective user on this application including media as well as the underlying software are provided “as is” and “subject to availability”. The eCamp Core Team hereby disclaims any liability for defects, warranties or representations to the extent permitted by law. This applies in particular to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third party rights. The eCamp Core Team does not warrant that eCamp will meet your requirements or that it will be uninterrupted, secure, error-free or complete; of course, we do our best to keep the application safe and reliable.

Downloading or otherwise obtaining material through the use of this application is done at your own discretion and risk. The eCamp Core Team is not liable for any damage to your computer system or loss of data resulting from downloading due to viruses or other harmful components.

The application may contain third party content or hyperlinks to third party websites. The eCamp Core Team has no control over these websites and is under no circumstances liable for the content of a third party website which is hyperlinked to this application. This includes, but is not limited to, the accuracy, content, quality or timeliness of that website.

Privacy Policy

The processing of personal data collected in connection with the operation of the eCamp application is subject to the Swiss Federal Law on Data Protection (DSG 235.1).

Collection of data

eCamp is powered by user content created by users with a user account, for details see chapter Terms.

We collect your personal data directly from you or in connection with the use of the website (e.g. IP address, MAC address of the smartphone or computer, information about your device and settings, cookies, date and time of the visit, pages and content accessed, functions used, referring websites). If you register or log in via an external login service such as Google or hitobito (see chapter Terms), we also obtain data from these services after your explicit consent. In your user account, we only permanently store the data that is absolutely necessary for the application.

Data disclosure

As part of the provision of our services, as well as the provision of our web application, we may be dependent on the services of third parties. In this context, it may happen that we commission third parties with the processing of your personal data. In this case, we ensure that these third parties comply with the requirements of data protection. Under certain circumstances, we are also obliged to disclose your data to authorities or other third parties.

The following third parties can be or are involved in the context of the services (see chapter Terms for further explanations):

  • Hosting platform operator DigitalOcean
  • Spam protection and DNS server Cloudflare
  • Mail services Sendgrid and ImprovMX / Reflectiv SAS
  • Google, via reCAPTCHA, if you contact the eCamp Core Team via email or contact form, and if you register or log in via a Google account
  • hitobito / Puzzle ITC, if you register or log in via MiData, cevi.db or jubla.db
  • Sentry, in case of errors in the software
  • Amazon, in the form of encrypted database backups

We will only share your personal information if one of the following conditions is met:

  • your consent has been given;
  • there is a legal obligation;
  • if this is necessary for the functionality of the features you use;
  • if this is necessary for the enforcement of our rights, in particular the enforcement of claims arising from the Terms of Service;
  • if we have a legitimate interest in doing so and your contrary interests do not outweigh our interests;
  • if any other legal permission exists.

Some of the services used belong to companies outside Switzerland. Therefore, your personal data may also be transferred to these companies abroad as part of the order processing. These companies are obligated to data protection to the same extent as we are. If the level of data protection in the country in which data is transferred does not correspond to that of Switzerland or the European Union, we ensure that the same level of protection is guaranteed as in Switzerland or the European Union.

If data is transferred to a company in the USA, we ensure that this company is certified in accordance with the Swiss or EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement, thus ensuring that the level of data protection in Switzerland or the EU is complied with. In the absence of certification, we obtain the necessary guarantees by contract.

Data security

We take data security very seriously and use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against unauthorized third-party access. We continuously improve our security measures in line with technological developments.

For secure data transmission, we use the TLS (Transport Layer Security) method in conjunction with the highest encryption level supported by your browser. You can check that all pages of our application are transmitted encrypted by the closed representation of the lock symbol in the status bar of your browser.

You can verify the authenticity of the eCamp application at any time by checking the validity of the digital server certificate.

Individual data processing operations

Deployment of the application and creation of log files

When you access our website, DigitalOcean (for details see chapter Terms) automatically collects and stores information, which your browser transmits to us. This information, stored in so-called server log files, is:

  • server name
  • IP address
  • operating system
  • device type
  • Browser name and version
  • Date and time of server request

This data cannot be assigned to a specific person and there is no merging of this data with other data sources. The log files are stored in order to guarantee the functionality of the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. The storage of log files is absolutely necessary for the operation of the website, you therefore have no possibility to object to this.

Server log files are stored for a maximum of 30 days.


For a period of 7 days, the hosting company DigitalOcean automatically keeps backups of eCamp content.

In addition, we store longer-term backups for up to a year on an AWS S3 bucket from Amazon. These backups are only transmitted and stored on Amazon in encrypted form in a data center in Paris. This serves as a safeguard against data center failures at DigitalOcean.

Use of cookies

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are placed on your device’s operating system by your browser when you visit our website. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses.

We exclusively use so-called “session cookies”. These are automatically deleted upon logout or after 12 hours. They are also absolutely necessary for the login function, so you have no way to object to them. However, the cookies are stored on your computer. You therefore have full control and can delete them completely or restrict the transfer by changing the settings in your browser. If you deactivate cookies for eCamp, you will no longer be able to log in and thus no longer be able to use the application.

Landing page https://ecamp3.ch

In order to continuously improve our landing page https://ecamp3.ch and its subpages, we use the analytics tools of Netlify. Netlify collects only minimal and anonymized data about your visit, and does not use cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to Netlify’s analytics tool. No Netlify analytics are collected when using the actual application https://app.ecamp3.ch and its subpages.

Registration of a user account

We distinguish two levels of users:

  1. without registration: you can freely and anonymously access and move around the purely informative home page https://ecamp3.ch.
  2. to use the actual camp planning functions of our application, registration is required. This requires creating a user account with a name, a valid email address and a password, or with an account on a supported OAuth service. During registration, you must accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you create an account with a password, after filling out the registration form you will receive a confirmation email for verification purposes. Only then will your user account be activated. From then on you can add to your user profile or change your password if necessary.

Viewing your data

All personal data that we permanently store about you can be viewed at any time in your user profile.

Deleting your user account

If you no longer wish to maintain your account, you can contact us to request deletion. This will irrevocably delete all of your personal data (not the user content). If you want to use eCamp again, you have to register again. All user content will remain for transparency, traceability and further use in future camps, but will be assigned to an anonymous user account.

Contact via contact form

You have the possibility to contact the eCamp Core Team via the contact form. If you contact us via email, the following data will be processed:

  • email address
  • Content of your e-mail
  • subject of your e-mail
  • date
  • Contact details provided by you (e.g. name, surname)

Your data will be stored for the purpose of processing your request and in case of follow-up questions.

We store your data only as long as this is necessary for the completion of your request or as long as we are required by law.

We would like to point out that e-mails can be read or changed unauthorized and unnoticed during transmission. The spam filter can reject e-mails if they are identified as spam by certain characteristics.

Final regulations

Choice of law and place of jurisdiction

These Terms of Service and their interpretation shall be governed in their entirety by Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich.

Changes to these terms

These Terms of Service may be modified by the eCamp Core Team at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective at the time of their publication. Furthermore, the eCamp Core Team reserves the right to restrict or deny access to the application in whole or in part without prior notice and without giving reasons.

Severability clause

If any provision of these Terms of Service is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision. This shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

If you have any questions about the Terms of Service or privacy concerns, please feel free to contact us.

These Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are based on the corresponding texts of the Dialog Luzern platform, and are protected by a “CC BY-SA 4.0” license.