Course-Feature Checklists
Are you looking for a simple and digital way to plan your camp? Then eCamp is just the thing for you! With this practical tool you can plan all the activities for your camp and create a detailed plan that you can print out and take with you wherever you go.
eCamp is a web-based app for camp and course planning. The application is specialised for camps and courses of youth associations and for Y+S offers in the sport of camp sports/trekking. However, it is open to all interested parties, whether youth associations, school camps or other sports.
If only there were no passwords! No problem, we support all the usual logins: MiData, CeviDB, JublaDB and Google.
Now eCamp can also be used on mobile devices. Perfect for during the camp.
Many input fields save automatically. So nice.
PDF / printing process are optimized. No more blank pages and overflowing texts.
The application is initially available in German, French, Italian, Rumantsch & English. More are possible.
Create templates for different types of blocks, with storyboard, story context, safety concept, etc.
Assign your material to the activity or camp period.
Team management has been improved and simplified to be less scout specific and more permission oriented.
Developed by a small group of enthusiastic Scouts and supported by the Swiss Guide and Scouts Movement.
Core Members
Core Meetings
The initial development phase is done. All features for the MVP: Camp are available (feature-complete).
This version serves as a temporary test version, so it still contains some bugs and complicated user interfaces. The data entered on this version will be deleted after this phase.
Closed beta
Isolated bugs. As of this version, however, the database was no longer reset. Could be used for real but not time-critical camp planning. The limited number of beta testers had to expect maintenance interruptions.
MVP: Camp
From this version onwards, eCamp v3 is free to use for everyone. All essential features of eCamp v2 are available for camp planning. Course planning is not yet implemented for this version.
MVP: Course
After our go-live of the MVP: Camp release we are focusing on the performance for the next camp season and the features for course planning.
New Features
Only after the launch of MVP: Course will we devote ourselves to the development of additional features that are not included in eCamp v2. For the time being, we will therefore not accept feature requests.
Find out what we do all day long…
Course-Feature Checklists
How secure is my data at eCamp?
In addition to the development, the core team also maintains a freely usable instance. The server is operated as a best-effort. For the operation of the server we use modern cloud solutions. This includes regular backups and server updates. Nevertheless we cannot guarantee uninterrupted availability.
What will happen to eCamp v2?
The original eCamp version 2 can be used at https://ecamp.pfadiluzern.ch until further notice. However, the code is getting old and difficult to maintain. For a long time there has been no further development for eCamp v2 except for critical bug fixes. No data is migrated from v2 to v3.
I have a question about eCamp v2
For questions/support about eCamp v2 please use the support function in eCamp v2 directly. No questions about eCamp v2 are answered on this page.
Does anybody support you financially?
Operating costs are funded by the Swiss Guide and Scout Movement. This landing page is powered by the open source plan of Netlify and our application translations are managed on Crowdin.