New features for the summer camps

Many summer camps are already being planned with eCamp v3. We’re pleased to report that we’re receiving more and more valuable feedback.
Several frequently requested features have been implemented in the meantime. Here are some highlights:
- The block planning progress is back! Unlike in eCamp2, you can no longer assign a percentage to a block, but instead assign a status. In each camp, you can define which statuses are available for selection, such as “in progress,” “ready for coach,” “accepted by coach,” or any other status needed for your camp.
- PDF printing features have been optimized for two-week camps. Layout #1 can now print larger camps than before. Layout #2 splits the picasso into multiple pages and intelligently hides time at night to optimize the use of page space.
- The team page and invitation page have been completely redesigned, and the permissions of each role are now more clearly described.
- When dragging, moving, or extending blocks in the rough program, the time limits of the block are now displayed.
- The clock and calendar windows for entering times and dates now only open when the button next to the text field is clicked. This change makes it easier to fill in the text field using the keyboard.
- A back button has been added to the detail view of an activity.
- After creating a new activity category, you are now prompted to define the layout for the category.
- For guests, block contents are now displayed as read-only from the start.
- Print error messages are now collected more reliably, allowing us to address issues with the print feature more specifically in the future.
- Bug fix in print layout #1: The Picasso now stays within the page boundaries, and its design has been improved.
- Bug fix in print layout #2: Nested bulleted lists can now be printed.
- Performance improvements have been made to various pages.
Next, we’ll continue working on improvements to the PDF design and discuss methods to copy blocks within and across camps. This feature has been requested several times by beta testers.
You can still apply for camps after the summer using our form. We are looking forward to your feedback!