News since the beta release

Since the closed beta release, a lot has happened on eCamp v3 with over 140 access codes sent and 85 camps already opened. Many teams are busy planning for the 2023 camp season, and we are always excited to receive feedback and discuss desired workflows.
In terms of development, the following features and bug fixes are now available on eCamp v3 in time for the Pentecost camps:
- It is now possible to print all the required information for camps and courses, as required by J+S and BSV, on the program overview (the calendar-like view). New fields have been added to the camp settings.
- The three-column program, the centerpiece of each activity, has been redesigned for mobile.
- A notice has been added that the terms of use also apply when logging in via an external provider.
- Machine translations have been created in French and Italian as a starting point.
- Print layout #2 now supports emojis (print layout #1 already supported them).
- Various minor bug fixes.
Next, the print features will be optimized for multi-week (summer) camps so that everything is ready in time for these camps.
You can still apply for access to the closed beta phase via this form. We look forward to your feedback!